Cop26: Biden edges towards $500bn climate change deal

President Biden wants to proclaim in Glasgow that he is spending more than $500 billion on climate change measures, but a final agreement was being held up last night by wrangling in his own party.

Biden has struggled to nail down the final price tag of his “human infrastructure” bill covering most of his climate efforts, as well as the exact contents amid resistance to penalties for fossil fuel companies that do not switch to green energy fast enough.

He wants to be able to say that the US is leading the world with the “largest green bill ever” but may have to leave today for his first European stop in Italy for the G20 with negotiations continuing in Washington. …

Brian Schatz, a left-wing Democratic senator from Hawaii involved in the climate talks, told Axios the price would still be above $500 billion.

“Everything else is getting a massive haircut, but this isn’t,” Schatz said.

“This will be, just as a matter of fact, the biggest climate bill in human history. At least half a trillion dollars. That’s a pretty good story to tell at the Conference of Parties [Cop26],” he added.

Here’s what Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote about the Paris climate change agreement:

With the Paris Agreement, America funnels millions of dollars into the United Nations—millions of dollars the deeply indebted U.S. does not have. Of course the UN wants America’s economy and influence diminished; the U.S. challenges that organization so much of the time.

What is happening here is not about the environment. It is about destroying the United States. The regulations this accord binds America to abide by, and the funding it obligates America to provide, accomplish that purpose very nicely.

Now the U.S. government is getting ready to announce something even worse.