Hundreds of homes burned, tens of thousands evacuated in fire said to be most destructive in Colorado history

A wind-fueled grass fire in Colorado burned hundreds of homes in a matter of hours and forced thousands to evacuate Thursday, officials said, as flames rapidly spread through a region that has seen an unusually dry December.

Whole neighborhoods were engulfed in flames as the fire advanced through Superior and Louisville, two towns about eight miles outside Boulder. In the Sagamore subdivision, 370 homes were believed lost, Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle said, while another 210 were feared destroyed in another part of Superior. Several businesses in a Target shopping complex were also burned. Authorities also ordered citizens in Meadow View, a community in between Denver and Boulder, to evacuate.

“We’re potentially talking about over 500 homes,” Pelle said. That is likely to make it the most destructive fire in state history, according to local tallies.

Earlier in the day, the National Weather Service warned the situation was “life-threatening” — urging residents of Superior and Louisville to immediately leave. The towns have a combined population of over 34,000, and the evacuations triggered frantic escapes and long traffic lines during the height of the holiday season. Later in the day, Gov. Jared Polis (D) told people observing the fires to stop clogging roads and make way for first responders.

The Bible shows that God has power over the rain, He can “dry up all the rivers,” and He has control over storms (Nahum 1:3; Job 38:28; Amos 4:7). How God exercises this power, however, is dependent on mankind’s obedience or disobedience to His laws.

Notice Leviticus 26:3-4: “If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them; Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.” However, God warns in verses 14, 19 and 20: “But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments …. I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass … your land shall not yield her increase, neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruits.”

God clearly outlines the cause and the effect: Disobedience to His commandments is the cause, and droughts, fires and floods are the effect!

The climate change theorists wholly attribute the weather disasters we experience to man’s mismanagement of the planet. To be sure, God does command mankind to be good stewards of His creation; He considers its defilement a sin (Jeremiah 2:7; Revelation 11:18). However, far worse to Him are the practices of climate change proponents: homosexuality, abortion, fornication, pornography, violent crimes, drug abuse and other transgressions of His law of love.

The danger in the climate change deception is that it blinds mankind to these sins as the real cause of all these disasters, which makes it impossible to identify the only effective solution: repentance.