Biden is close to reviving the Iran nuclear deal

The Biden administration says it is close to reviving the agreement with Iran that was supposed to put the brakes on their development of nuclear weapons, needing only an affirmative response from Tehran.

For months, negotiations had been stalled with Iran insisting that all sanctions be lifted before they would talk. But in the last month, Iran has dropped that demand and is now insisting only that all sanctions be lifted if Iran signs.

The Biden administration is desperate to sign any deal they can, looking for some kind of foreign policy triumph as inflation, a slowing economy, and probable rising unemployment drags the president’s approval numbers down even further. …

Republicans will want to know if those “political decisions” include giving billions of dollars in cash to Iran as Barack Obama did in the aftermath of the 2015 deal. It certainly would explain Tehran’s sudden about-face as far as their interest in making a deal.

One thing is certain: Biden has decided to leave the American hostages to rot in Iranian jails. As recently as last week, a state department spokesman said there would be no nuclear deal without a deal to release Americans being held by Iran. But an Iranian foreign ministry spokesman has ruled out releasing American “prisoners” as a precondition for a deal.

The unanswered question is what is to be done with Iran’s stockpile of highly enriched uranium (HEU) — especially the uranium that’s been purified to the level of 60%.

Republicans will want to know if those “political decisions” include giving billions of dollars in cash to Iran as Barack Obama did in the aftermath of the 2015 deal. It certainly would explain Tehran’s sudden about-face as far as their interest in making a deal.

One thing is certain: Biden has decided to leave the American hostages to rot in Iranian jails. As recently as last week, a state department spokesman said there would be no nuclear deal without a deal to release Americans being held by Iran. But an Iranian foreign ministry spokesman has ruled out releasing American “prisoners” as a precondition for a deal.

The unanswered question is what is to be done with Iran’s stockpile of highly enriched uranium (HEU) — especially the uranium that’s been purified to the level of 60%.