Clinton campaign paid to ‘infiltrate’ Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia: Durham

Lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to “infiltrate” servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an “inference” and “narrative” to bring to government agencies linking Donald Trump to Russia, a filing from Special Counsel John Durham says.

Durham filed a motion on Feb. 11 focused on potential conflicts of interest related to the representation of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who has been charged with making a false statement to a federal agent. Sussmann has pleaded not guilty.

The indictment against Sussmann, says he told then-FBI General Counsel James Baker in September 2016, less than two months before the 2016 presidential election, that he was not doing work “for any client” when he requested and held a meeting in which he presented “purported data and ‘white papers’ that allegedly demonstrated a covert communications channel” between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, which has ties to the Kremlin.

But Durham’s filing on Feb. 11, in a section titled “Factual Background,” reveals that Sussmann “had assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients, including a technology executive (Tech Executive 1) at a U.S.-based internet company (Internet Company 1) and the Clinton campaign.” …

“Tech Executive-1 tasked these researchers to mine Internet data to establish ‘an inference’ and ‘narrative’ tying then-candidate Trump to Russia,” Durham states. “In doing so, Tech Executive-1 indicated that he was seeking to please certain ‘VIPs,’ referring to individuals at Law Firm-1 and the Clinton campaign.” …

Durham also writes that during Sussmann’s trial, the government will establish that among the Internet data Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited was domain name system (DNS) internet traffic pertaining to “(i) a particular healthcare provider, (ii) Trump Tower, (iii) Donald Trump’s Central Park West apartment building, and (iv) the Executive Office of the President of the United States (EOP).” …

“Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP’s DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump,” Durham states. …

Former President Trump reacted to the filing on Saturday evening, saying Durham’s filing ”provides indisputable evidence that my campaign and presidency were spied on by operatives paid by the Hillary Clinton Campaign in an effort to develop a completely fabricated connection to Russia.”

“This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution,” Trump said. “In a stronger period of time in our country, this crime would have been punishable by death.

Here’s what Trumpet executive editor Stephen Flurry wrote on this last November:

The Clinton people didn’t just pay for this opposition research. They created it.

We’ve come full circle. It’s Clinton Inc. from start to finish! They wrote it. They authored it. And they literally colluded with the Russians to immorally and illegally attack Donald Trump.

Some analysts are saying that Danchenko’s indictment is just the beginning. Will fbi agents involved in using this as a weapon against Trump take a hit? Will more higher-ups from the Clinton campaign take a hit? …

My father also wrote the following in another article from last November, “Treason in America and Britain”: “Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton surely do not want us to know what they were conspiring to do before, during and after the 2016 presidential election to undermine American democracy. But I believe God made sure this information was exposed!”