Russia gains strategic advantage by taking southern city of Kherson

Kherson, a key strategic point along the Black Sea, has been captured by Russia, making it the first major Ukrainian city to fall to invading Russian forces. …

The capture of Kherson represents a major strategic victory for the Russian army as it continues its efforts to annex Ukraine. The home of a significant shipbuilding industry and a major economic hub for the country, Kherson is located along Ukraine’s longest waterway, the Dnieper River, which provides access to significant portions of inland Ukraine.

Kherson also provides access to the Russian-annexed territory of Crimea as well as the critical port city of Odessa.

Most importantly to the Russians, though, will likely be Kherson’s position on the Black Sea, which could allow the military to exploit its strategic location. The body of water is a key economic lifeline for Eastern Europe that provides access to the neighboring countries of Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova—the latter of which Russia has already been rumored to be preparing an invasion.

World leaders are aghast. “Peace in our continent has been shattered,” said North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. “We now have war in Europe, on a scale and of a type we thought belonged to history.” The Drudge headline this morning encapsulates what many are thinking: “Countdown to WW III.”

How did this happen? Like nato’s secretary general, many people believed that war in 21st-century Europe was impossible, that conflict of this magnitude and consequence “belonged to history.” But here we are, on the cusp of what could become the most significant war since World War ii!

Those who study and believe Bible prophecy are not surprised. If you know the Bible, you know that war of this nature does not belong to history. In fact, prophecy tells us that conflict and suffering much worse than this are coming.

I have been warning for more than two decades that Vladimir Putin would be responsible for violent conquests and that he would set in motion some astonishing and historic events. This understanding comes from studying the Bible and believing God—and He has much to say about Russia and Vladimir Putin!