Biden’s shocking empowerment of Russia and Iran

In his address to the US Congress this week, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky told US President Joe Biden, in a plea for American air defences against Russian bombardment from the sky: “You are the leader of your great nation. I wish you to be the leader of the world”.

Congress members gave him a standing ovation. Yet reports suggest that, in its imminent deal with Iran, America is about to massively empower a state that is a lethal threat to the west and already has far more American blood on its hands than has Russian President Vladimir Putin.

While the Biden administration postures as standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Ukraine in its desperate defence against murderous aggression, it is itself reportedly about to capitulate entirely to Iran.

This, astoundingly, is America’s actual answer to Zelensky.

Given that the Iranian regime has been at war with the west since it came to power in 1979, that its fingerprints are on almost every major terrorist atrocity against western interests and that it unceasingly declares its genocidal aim to exterminate Israel, the administration’s determination to empower it is incomprehensible.

The reported terms of the deal being negotiated in Vienna will allow Iran legitimately to equip itself with a nuclear arsenal after a mere delay — according to Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett — of two-and-a-half years.