What’s going on in Shanghai?

Shanghai, Communist China’s massive commercial and shipping hub, is effectively under martial law according to social media posts from residents of the locked-down city.

You can see more of the creepy-looking videos below, but first, a little background.

Beijing has been trying (and failing) to enforce a strict “zero COVID” regime, but exactly how soldiers and armored vehicles are supposed to fight a virus remains a mystery.

I kid.

The city hit a record 13,000 positive COVID tests on April 4 — all of them asymptomatic. Despite all those sick people not really being sick, Wu Qianyu, a municipal health official, said during a Tuesday briefing, “We must adhere to the general policy of dynamic clearance without hesitation, without wavering.”

Shanghai has been under strict — harsh, really — lockdown rules since the latest COVID breakout hit the city in March. Residents have been forbidden to leave their homes except to get tested. No movies, no strolls, not even any grocery shopping.