FBI raid on Trump confirms the security state picks who Americans are allowed to vote for
The FBI made an unannounced raid on the private home of a former U.S. president Monday night, authorized by a U.S. attorney general whom that president had denied a lifetime appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court. The raid happened as the former president publicly mulled another election bid, and amid growing FBI interference in state elections.
The raid has provided needed clarity to Republicans who have participated in, presided over, and failed to bring accountability for perhaps the biggest security state hoax in American history, known as Spygate. In that operation, Obama administration officials colluded to frame and hijack the incoming opposition presidency using fabricated evidence, lies to secret security courts, media propaganda operations, and breaking numerous laws as well as the public trust
They framed a president and got away with it. Now they’re raiding a president. It won’t stop there if they get away with it again. If Republicans don’t end this, they’re all next.
Lawless, Constitution-hating people now lead our federal law enforcement agencies. They act as if they are superior to Congress, but the Constitution stipulates that Congress must oversee them, otherwise they have no accountability to the American people.
The New York Times illegally released the confidential Pentagon Papers in 1971. But this newspaper and the Washington Post lobbied hard to prevent the release of the Nunes memo, which is completely legal. Why the double standard?
These agencies are supposed to uphold and enforce the law. But this plot proves that they are willing to trample on the law to advance a certain radical agenda.
If these law enforcement agencies can illegally surveil the president, what can they do to you?