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What man wouldn’t love to have a Proverbs 31 wife? This biblical chapter describes a woman who is capable, skilled, hard-working, dedicated, intelligent, wise, loving, humble and submissive to her husband (verses 10-31).
Have you ever considered what sort of man deserves such a woman? What kind of husband would it take to lead, teach, protect, provide for, cherish and cleave to such a woman?
Clearly the Proverbs 31 husband is a man of great capability, manly confidence, compassion and wisdom. By working diligently to fulfill his God-given masculine role, he is a true blessing to his wife, his family and his community. He takes his place among other leading men (verse 23). He is widely respected and well known for his wisdom and ability.
He is a successful man, providing well for his family. His education and success have opened to them many doors of opportunity. He is a landowner, still expanding his holdings with his wife’s assistance (verse 16). His household has full-time help (“her maidens” in verse 15), as he ensures his wife has what she needs to best carry out her responsibilities. He supplies her the resources to feed the family well (verse 14) and provide quality garments (verse 21). He has means to provide even for the poor and needy, and has directed his wife to help them (verse 20), yet also makes sure she is dressed in the very best (verse 22).
These verses give an extraordinary picture of the wonderful teamwork this man has built with his helpmeet. He inspires the best in her, and she responds by devoting herself to helping him. “The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil All the days of her life” (verses 11-12; nkjv). He honors his wife, empowers her decision-making, and encourages her education and development. He has delegated many responsibilities to her, including household organization and operations. As he sees her growing in her capacity, he entrusts her with still greater authority and provides the means for her to fulfill it. As she shows the desire and aptitude, he even encourages her to undertake personal business dealings (verses 16, 18, 24), which she ensures never take priority over caring for the family.
This woman is blossoming under her Proverbs 31 husband’s positive leadership! She is capable of offering great counsel, and he values that counsel (verse 26). She is intelligent, cultured, productive and diligent. Her husband shouts her praises for all to hear, and leads his children in honoring and praising her (verse 28), saying, “Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all”! (verse 29).
Think about how much the outstanding woman described in this passage is who she is because of the success, example, leadership, encouragement, trust, respect and praise of her outstanding husband!
Would you like a Proverbs 31 wife? Then work to become a Proverbs 31 husband!
Continue Reading: The Husband: 5.4 Deepen Your Love