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For Further Reading

From the book Child Rearing With Vision

To access these articles, go to and search for each article using the search bar.


“Age of Confusion—The Missing Dimension in Parenting, Part 1,” by Ron Fraser

1 | Hannah’s Vision

“Motherhood: The Untold Story,” by Stephen Flurry

“How Feminism Harms Families,” by Dennis Leap

“Recapture Value in True Womanhood,” by Dennis Leap

2 | Fathers Rule the Family Well

“Lost Boys,” by Stephen Flurry

“What a Real Man Looks Like,” by Stephen Flurry

3 | Shape Your Child’s Human Spirit

Child Rearing and the Greatest Vision in the Bible—The Missing Dimension in Parenting, Part 2,” by Ron Fraser

4 | Rearing Young Children—Newborn to Age Five

“Understanding the Method—The Missing Dimension in Parenting, Part 3,” by Ron Fraser

“Train Up a Child—The Missing Dimension in Parenting, Part 4,” by Ron Fraser

“Yes, Sir,” by Joel Hilliker

“The Fruits of Spanking,” by Stephen Flurry

“A Child Left to Himself,” by Stephen Flurry

“By Myself,” by Dennis Leap

“The Character of Clothing,” by Gareth Fraser

5 | Rearing Children—Ages Six to Twelve

“How to Love Your Children,” by Ryan Malone

“Educate Your Child—The Missing Dimension in Parenting, Part 5,” by Ron Fraser

“Childhood: The Elementary Years—The Missing Dimension in Parenting, Part 6,” by Ron Fraser

“Five Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Public School,” by Wayne Turgeon

“Guiding Your Child’s Development—The Missing Dimension in Parenting, Part 7,” by Ron Fraser

“Your Family’s Most Important Textbook,” by Joel Hilliker

“Is Your Child Being Bullied?” by Dennis Leap

“How to Give Your Child Wisdom,” by Stephen Flurry

“Tea and Biscuits With Aunt Mable,” by Dennis Leap

“Loyalty Begins at Home,” by Dennis Leap

“The Leap Family Nonaggression Pact,” by Dennis Leap

“Don’t Waste Your Time,” by Stephen Flurry

“Giving Your Child an ‘Imperial’ Music Education,” by Ryan Malone

“Before and After Services—Still Holy Time,” by Joel Hilliker

“The 30-Plus Program,” by Stephen Flurry

6 | Build a Moral Teen

“Daddy’s Girl,” by Stephen Flurry

“Modesty: The Solution No One Will Talk About,” by Joel Hilliker

“Youth Culture,” by Stephen Flurry

“If I Were the Devil,” by Stephen Flurry

“Parents Wake Up: Teen Sexting Linked to Risky Sexual Behavior!”, by Dennis Leap

“Your Brain Is Being Hacked,” by David Vejil

“Upholding God’s Standard in Dress and Appearance,” by Stephen Flurry and Amy Flurry

7 | Prepare Teens for Adulthood

“Take Time to Save Your Teen,” by Dennis Leap

“Build a Tougher Teen,” by Dennis Leap

“Seven Ways to Help Your Teenager,” by Wik Heerma

8 | Make Your Family Life Active!

“Teen Time With Dad Critically Important,” by Dennis Leap

“Family Feast Traditions,” by Joel Hilliker

“The Stranger in Your Home,” by Joel Hilliker