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Glossary and Index

From the book America Under Attack
By Gerald Flurry

Affordable Care Act Health-care plan enacted by Obama: 8, 13

Afghanistan America’s pullout in August 2021: 50-51, 53

Alinsky, Saul Author of Rules for Radicals; influence on Obama: 8

Antiochus iv Epiphanes Seleucid king in second century b.c.: 9-10, 38-38, 52-53, 64-64; spiritual type of Antiochus, destroyed the end-time Church of God: 16, 61-62, 64, 66, 68, 70; end-time Antiochus type leads modern European empire: 10, 61, 65-65, 70; political leader in America another end-time Antiochus type: See Obama, Barack, corollary to King Antiochus IV

Ayers, Bill American socialist terrorist, associate of Obama: 6

Barr, William U.S. attorney general (Feb. 2019 to Dec. 2020): 36, 37, 45

Brennan, John cia director (March 2013 to Jan. 2017): 23-23, 24, 27, 28, 35

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) U.S. spy agency that collects and analyzes foreign intelligence and conducts covert operations: 9, 23-23, 27, 27

Clapper, James Director of national intelligence (Aug. 2010 to Jan. 2017); briefed Obama on Steele dossier: 23; present at Jan. 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting to coordinate continued spying on Trump as president: 24, 35; said Obama approved Trump-Russia investigation: 26; involved in investigating Michael Flynn.

Clinesmith, Kevin Lawyer in fbi Office of the General Counsel under James Comey; member of Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel; forged an e-mail to indicate that Carter Page was colluding with Russia; convicted of felony forgery; sentenced to only one-year probation: 28

Clinton, Hillary Secretary of state (Jan. 2009 to Feb. 2013) under Obama: 71; used covert e-mail server: 26; Democratic candidate for 2016 presidential election: 19-19, 39; led a campaign that paid for Steele dossier and that accused Trump of collusion with a Russian bank: 22-24, 25; 27-28

Comey, James fbi director (Sept. 2013 to May 2017); investigated Clinton e-mail server; present at Jan. 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting; used unverified Steele dossier to secretly investigate Donald Trump: 23-25, 26, 35, 39-39, 42-42; sent agents to entrap Michael Flynn: <DT>-36; leaked classified information to media; fired by President Trump in 2017: 25

Crossfire Hurricane fbi code name for counterintelligence investigation (July 2016 to May 2017) into alleged links between Donald Trump and Russia: 24, 26, 39

Crossfire Razor fbi code name for counterintelligence investigation (Aug. 2016 to Dec. 2020) into alleged links between Gen. Michael Flynn and Russia: 35

CrowdStrike U.S. cybersecurity firm hired by Democratic National Committee in 2016 to investigate hacking of its server: 23

Danchenko, Igor Russian citizen residing in U.S.; main sub-source for Christopher Steele’s dossier; indicted Nov. 2021 by John Durham for making false statements to the fbi: 27, 28

Davis, Frank Marshall Communist who mentored young Obama: 6-6, 76

Democratic National Committee (DNC) Leadership of U.S. Democratic political party; helped pay to create the Steele dossier; fined in March 2022 for claiming it was paying for “legal services” rather than “opposition research”: 23-23, 27

Director of National Intelligence Head of U.S. Intelligence Community, which includes cia, fbi, nsa and 15 other organizations; primary intelligence adviser to the U.S. president: 23, 41

Dowd, John Lawyer; advised Trump to cooperate with Russian investigation: 40

Durham, John U.S. attorney serving as Special Counsel for the Department of Justice (Oct. 2020 to present), investigating origins of fbi investigations against Donald Trump beginning April 2019: 27-28, 41

Fast and Furious Scandal under Obama, giving heavy weapons to Mexican cartels: 10, 12

Fauci, Dr. Anthony Director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; chief medical adviser to the president: 72-75

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Department of Justice agency operating as a spy and security service within the U.S.: 15, 23-29, 35, 36-37, 39-40, 41-42, 46-47, 49

Flynn, Michael Retired U.S. Army lieutenant general; critic of Iran nuclear deal: 34-35; target of Obama, fbi and Washington Post: 25, 34-34; national security adviser to Donald Trump (Jan. 20 to Feb. 13, 2017); resigned after being spied on by fbi, accused of being a Russian agent and entrapped: 34-37, 38, 39

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) U.S. law passed in 1978 that established the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, a secret U.S. judicial body to authorize warrants for federal agencies to spy on suspected foreign agents within the U.S.; approved four fbi applications in 2016 to spy on Donald Trump through Carter Page: 23-24, 25, 28-29, 39, 40

Fusion GPS Washington, D.C., opposition research firm hired by Clinton campaign and dnc through law firm Perkins Coie to produce false information about Donald Trump: 22-23, 27

Galluzzo, Gregory Disciple of Saul Alinsky; taught Obama about community organizing: 8

Hagel, Chuck Secretary of defense (Feb. 2013 to Feb. 2015): 52

Hitler, Adolf Confiscated Jews’ guns before World War ii: 13; murderous dictator: 13; used lies as a political tool: 17-17; “will worship”: 17-18

Holder, Eric Attorney general under Obama; Fast and Furious scandal: 12, 41-42

Holdren, John Science czar (March 2009 to Jan. 2017); collaborated with China to make viruses more deadly: 72, 73; became visiting distinguished professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing: 74

Horowitz, Michael Inspector general of the U.S. Department of Justice (April 2012 to present); released reports in 2018 and 2019 regarding fbi investigation of Trump; characterized crimes as “inaccuracies and omissions”: 24-24, 26-27, 28-29, 37

Ignatius, David Journalist for Washington Post; wrote about Flynn’s contacts with Russian ambassador: 35

January 5, 2017, meeting Oval Office meeting to coordinate continued spying on Trump: 24-25, 35-35, 36

January 6, 2021, ‘insurrection’ 46-49

Jeroboam ii King of Israel in eighth century b.c. just before the kingdom fell: 19-21, 21-22, 49, 59-60, 61

Joffe, Rodney Senior vice president of Neustar (2006 to 2021); volunteer adviser to Obama on cybersecurity; searched computer data from Trump Tower and the White House for derogatory or Russia-linked information on Trump; passed information to Michael Sussmann: 27-28

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran: 9, 34-35, 36-37, 51-52, 60

Kislyak, Sergey Russian ambassador; had phone conversation with Flynn: 35-36

Limbaugh, Rush American conservative commentator; supporter of Trump: 39-40

McCabe, Andrew Deputy director of the fbi (Feb. 2016 to March 2018); admitted fbi spying and investigation against Trump traced back to Steele dossier: 24, 26, 26, 29, 37, 39

Mueller, Robert Special counsel for Department of Justice, (May 2017 to May 2019); appointed to investigate accusations, known to be false, of a connection between Russia and Trump; employed radical investigators: 26-26, 38-40, 42

National Security Agency (NSA) U.S. spy agency providing security and foreign intelligence; known to conduct extensive warrantless spying operations en masse against American citizens; used for spying on Donald Trump: 24, 40

Neustar Major company that directs Internet traffic; provided services to the Executive Office of the President, involving large amounts of sensitive information; used by Rodney Joffe to spy on Trump: 27

Nunes, Devin Member of the House Intelligence Committee (Jan. 2015 to Jan. 2022); producer of the February 2018 Nunes memo exposing corruption in the fbi and Justice Department relating to Trump-Russia collusion investigation: 25-26, 37

Obama, Barack President of the United States (Jan. 2009 to Jan. 2017); influenced by drugs, homosexuals and communism: <DT>-7; motivated to “fundamentally transform the United States”: 4, <DT>, 37, 52, 75-76; corollary to King Antiochus iv: 9-10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 21, 37, 37-38, 45, 51, 52-53, 54, 57, 61-62, 62, 65; transformed American law, culture and power: 10, 14, 14, 51-52; instigated Trump-Russia investigations: 24-27; manipulated 2020 election: 4-5; controls Biden government: 45-46

Ohr, Bruce Associate deputy attorney general (late 2015 or early 2016 to Dec. 2017); primary contact in Justice Department for Christopher Steele; married to Nellie Ohr: 24

Ohr, Nellie Contractor for Fusion gps; wife of Bruce Ohr, to whom she sent many e-mails containing her firm’s opposition research against Donald Trump: 24

Page, Carter Foreign-policy adviser to 2016 Trump presidential campaign; initial target of fbi spying based on Steele dossier, a forged e-mail by fbi lawyer Clinesmith, and approval by the surveillance court: 23-26, 29

Page, Lisa fbi lawyer (2012 to May 2018) involved in Robert Mueller’s Office of Special Counsel; text messages with Strzok revealed bias against Trump and their attempt to stop him: 26

Patel, Kash Chief of staff to acting U.S. secretary of defense (Jan. 2017 to Jan. 2021); aide to Devin Nunes; an author of Nunes memo: 28

Pence, Mike Vice president of the U.S. (Jan. 2017 to Jan. 2021); stated that Flynn had not discussed sanctions with Kislyak: 36-36; declined to act on evidence of 2020 election fraud, helped certify the election of Joe Biden: 47-48

Perkins Coie International law firm headquartered in Seattle, Washington; connected Clinton campaign and dnc with Fusion gps and Christopher Steele: 22, 28

Pientka, Joseph fbi agent whose messages reveal that bureau leadership pursued accusations against Trump that ultimately trace back to Clinton; with Strzok, interviewed Flynn in January 2017 perjury trap: 27, 36

Priestap, Bill Assistant director of fbi counterintelligence division (2015 to 2018); notes revealed that the agents’ goal in interviewing Flynn was to “get him to lie”: 36

Ratcliffe, John Director of national intelligence (May 2020 to Jan. 2021); provided thousands of classified documents to John Durham’s investigation revealing that the plot against Trump traces back to Obama: 23-23, 28-28, 36

Rice, Susan National security adviser (July 2013 to Jan. 2017); present at Jan. 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting: 24, 25, 35

Rogers, Michael National Security Agency director (April 2014 to May 2018); present at Jan. 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting: 24, 35

Rosenberg, Matthew New York Times journalist; admitted January 6 was not an organized uprising: 46-47

Schiff, Adam Congressman; said Trump colluded with Russia: 28

Steele, Christopher Former British military intelligence officer; opposed election of Trump: 22-23; hired by Clinton campaign and dnc via Perkins Coie and Fusion gps to compile information for use against Trump; provided unverified accusations against Trump to media, politicians, State Department and fbi: 22-26, 27-29

Strzok, Peter fbi chief of counterespionage; biased against Trump: 26-27; led investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of an illegal e-mail server; led illegal fbi investigation into Trump’s presidential campaign: 23, 26-27; ordered investigation of Flynn kept open: 35-35; one of the agents who interviewed Flynn: 36; part of Mueller’s investigation; his notes regarding Jan. 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting show Biden suggested using Logan Act to prosecute Flynn: 35, 37

Sunstein, Cass Head of the Office of Information Regulatory Affairs (Sept. 2009 to Aug. 2012): 13

Sussmann, Michael Partner at Perkins Coie who represented the dnc and CrowdStrike; worked with Fusion gps, Clinton campaign, Joffe and media outlets to gather and disseminate anti-Trump accusations from Steele, along with illegally obtained and misleading Internet data from Joffe; lied to fbi General Counsel that he was not working for the Clinton campaign and billed the Clinton campaign for the conversation: 27-28, 28

Trump, Donald President of the U.S. (Jan. 2017 to Jan. 2021); motivated to “make America great again”; reversed transformation of U.S.: 18-22; corollary to King Jeroboam ii: 19-22; main target of Obama

Wright, Jeremiah Radical pastor of church in Chicago, which Obama attended for years: 6, 7-8

Yates, Sally Deputy attorney general (Jan. 2015 to Jan. 2017); present at Jan. 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting and the second, smaller meeting that day; signed two fisa court applications to spy on Carter Page and the Trump campaign: 24, 35, 36