Copyright © 2012, 2016 Philadelphia Church of God, February 23, 2012
Remember Libya? The North African country that got caught up in the Arab Spring, ousted its eccentric dictator, and is now supposedly transforming into a peaceful, democratic state?
Last week, author John Rosenthal wrote an important article shedding new light on the Libyan “democratic” revolution. Despite what we’ve been told, it appears the overthrow of Muammar Qadhafi wasn’t an organic, grassroots uprising that will end with a democratically elected, stable, peaceful government taking root in Tripoli. Rather, evidence shows the violent rebellion was years in the planning, and carried out with craft and cunning. And while Qadhafi was defeated by a motley crew of obscure local militias, the broader rebellion was shaped and exploited by the masterminds of global Islamic terrorism.
Libya’s revolution, it seems, was all part of a calculated radical Islamist strategy.
Rosenthal compiled evidence from various sources, including facts uncovered in British court cases, United Nations files and American and other Western intelligence agencies. Piece it all together and it’s obvious that there was “nothing spontaneous” about Libya’s rebellion. Rosenthal explained that as far back as the middle of the last decade, al Qaeda—primarily via the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (lifg), which played a central role in the 2011 overthrow—had “elaborated a plan for destabilizing the Qadhafi regime by using many of the same tactics that would be employed at the outset of the rebellion in February 2011.”
Rosenthal put it best in his conclusion: “[T]he uprising in Libya was the realization not of democratic aspirations, but of the long-standing ambitions of Islamic extremists. It was an ‘Islamist Spring’ that paved the way for today’s ‘Islamist Winter’” (emphasis added).
Radical Islam’s proven presence in Libya’s revolution ought to raise several important concerns.
First, al Qaeda clearly has the intellectual and operational capacity to devise and carry out a strategy for undermining, even overthrowing, weak or flailing governments. In Libya’s case, al Qaeda leaders identified Qadhafi as a target years ago, then patiently, meticulously prepared for the moment opportunity would strike. Consider, for example, that rebel forces used tactics distinct to al Qaeda during battles with pro-Qadhafi forces—proof that the organization had established influence within local militias.
If al Qaeda and its allies have the ability to bring down Muammar Qadhafi and then shape the government erected in his place, how many other governments in the region are susceptible?
Second, it appears the West is willfully ignoring radical Islam’s effort to dominate North Africa and the Middle East. In Libya, the UN walked right into the Islamist trap. Despite regular intelligence (which was quickly pushed aside) indicating rebel forces contained a strong radical Islamist contingent, nato forces for months conducted regular sorties leveling Qadhafi strongholds, pinning loyalist forces in certain areas, and generally clearing the path for rebels to systematically lay hold of the country.
The Western media played their part too. First, by routinely downplaying and overlooking evidence suggesting radical Islam’s nefarious presence in the rebellion. And second, by framing Libya’s uprising as a liberal, democratic uprising comprised largely of regular “protesters.” Truth is, many rebel forces engaged in a lot of brutal, Qadhafi-like behavior themselves, such as penning loyalist forces in buildings, then setting them ablaze.
Without the support of the West, radical Islam’s victory in Libya would have been impossible.
Third, the fact that some of the top figures within the radical Islamist community were operating in Libya is evidence of a larger plan for conquering North Africa and the Middle East. As Rosenthal proves, the primary masterminds behind Libya’s revolution weren’t locals. Rather, they were the rock stars of global Islamic terrorism, men with experience at planning and carrying out bomb attacks, who’d operated all over the world in places like Afghanistan, Iraq, Southeast Asia and Iran, and who had connections. Does anyone seriously believe such men were overthrowing Qadhafi for the benefit of the average Libyan?
They were there to expand radical Islam’s imprint in North Africa.
Finally, if al Qaeda was present in the Libyan revolution, then Iran was too. For years, politicians and analysts in the West insisted that the fundamental religious differences between Sunni al Qaeda and Shiite Iran prevented the two from working together. But they have been wrong. Iran has endorsed and even actively supported al Qaeda for years. The relationship improved significantly when United States forces invaded Iraq in 2003, when Iran provided sanctuary for top-level al Qaeda leaders. Over the years, Tehran has supplied al Qaeda terrorists with funding, a safe haven for planning operations, and explosives and other hardware. Recently, we learned that Iran and al Qaeda have even started to work together in operations.
It’s taken years, but the Western media have apparently awoken to this deadly reality. Last week, the Telegraph reported that Iran was deepening its ties with al Qaeda in an attempt to improve its ability to strike Western interests. Citing its own sources, Sky News reported that Tehran and al Qaeda are plotting a massive “atrocity.”
Al Qaeda’s presence in Libya’s revolution strongly indicates IRAN’S presence too!
It’s been less than six months since Qadhafi was ousted, and it’s already clear the new Libya will be dominated heavily by sharia law, and the new government comprised of conservative Islamists, many with close ties to al Qaeda. Today, the Telegraph and New York Times are reporting on the ongoing cooperation between Iran and al Qaeda. These days you can’t turn on the news and not see the phrase “Islamist Winter.”
This is precisely the scenario Gerald Flurry prophesied!
If you read the Trumpet, it would have come as no surprise that Iran and al Qaeda’s fingerprints were all over Libya’s revolution.
Continue Reading: Chapter 11: Is This the Start of Radical Islam’s Takeover of Ethiopia?