Key of David

God reveals that He will shake the nations at a specific time immediately before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Find out when this shaking begins.

Even if you read the Bible, you cannot understand biblical prophecy without the key that unlocks those prophecies. Do you have that all-important key?

Russian President Vladimir Putin is a spy by trade. United States President Donald Trump says he will get along well with this man. But can Putin be trusted?

The Bible foretells of an end-time prince of Russia—and a messenger who prophesies against this powerful prince. These two men will impact your life directly. You need to know who they are.

Jesus warned that just before His Second Coming most would be deceived. To avoid this fate, you must have the key that unlocks the entire Bible.

The Jews wanted a sign that Jesus Christ was the Messiah, so He gave them the sign of Jonah. That sign also shows when Christ will return!

Revelation 10 discusses two end-time messages. The first is the most important book since the Bible. The second describes how God’s people rejected that book.

What connection does the ‘beast’ of the book of Revelation have to world events now leading to Armageddon and the end of this age?

God promises to give us the desires of our heart. But He will only bestow this marvelous blessing on one condition.

Why is there so much division in our country? Why is our economy failing? Why is the threat of war rampant on this Earth? We are at the point of no return.