Key of David

God promises that He will speak to us by His Son in these last days. But how does God do that? How does God speak to His people today, or to this world? You don’t hear a thunderous voice coming from heaven, and yet God says He will speak to us. But how? And where?

The United States and Iran have just concluded a nuclear treaty in Geneva, Switzerland, and it has caused a world sensation. What is it all about? Why is this so sensational to this world?

In the midst of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of Thanksgiving. President Lincoln understood that blessings come only from the great God. Are we being blessed today?

Vladimir Putin is the present ruler of Russia. He said the greatest tragedy of the 20th century was the destruction of the Soviet Empire. He could become the leader of the largest army ever assembled on this Earth! Bible prophecy has a great deal to say about that.

Everything in your Bible revolves around God and His Church. Yet most people don’t know or understand the scriptures about God’s Church. A book in the Old Testament is mainly about the true Church of God and gives a prophecy about what that Church would be like today.

This whole world is deceived about Bible prophecy. How can we understand it? When Jesus Christ was on this Earth, He gave us the focal point of prophesied events in the Olivet Prophecy, which is in Matthew 24. This chapter is the greatest single prophecy that Christ gave when He was on this Earth!

Recently, the Prime Minister of the Jewish state, Benjamin Netanyahu, spoke before the United Nations about the horror of nuclear weapons and how they were being proliferated around the world. Mr. Netanyahu actually discussed Bible prophecy in his address.

Why would God declare that He’s going to totally destroy one nation on this Earth physically? Why would God have reason to do such a thing? What could cause Him to make such a prophecy? It is one of the most ominous prophecies in all of the Bible that you need to understand. It is going to impact you and your personal life.

Time magazine wrote about “Europe’s Dirty Secret” in 1999 and 2008. What is that “dirty secret” of Europe’s that this world needs to understand?

The recent mass murderer in Washington, D.C., who killed thirteen people including himself, said that he was hearing voices. He also said he was led to do it by radio waves. There is one scripture in the New Testament that really does focus on understanding what the motive was in this mass shooting.