Key of David

The violence in the Middle East is leading to the return of Jesus Christ!

Jesus Christ speaks to His Church. But if we don’t understand how, we will be deceived.

God promised King David that his dynasty would continue—not for a century, not for a millennium, but for eternity.

The Bible calls God ‘the Father of lights.’ He has given human beings a potential more dazzling than the stars.

Do you know why man was created? Do you know why you were born? The Bible contains the answers!

Why do we exist? This fundamental question has haunted mankind throughout history. Do you know the answer?

America’s government, its citizens and the world now recognize that illegal immigration into the U.S. is a major crisis.

It’s not just you—the world around us really is descending into dangerous chaos.

We need to know in order to escape the worst suffering ever on Earth.

Germany and the Unites States were enemies in World Wars I and II. But for the past 70 years, they have been close allies. That relationship is now changing.