Key of David

Not all cities are equal in importance. The most important city on Earth is Jerusalem.

The book of Daniel prophesies about an end-time ‘king of fierce countenance,’ who will shake the foundations of this world. That king is on the scene now—and we think we may know who he is.

Traditional Christianity pictures Jesus Christ as a weak, marred figure dying on a cross. But Jesus Christ is not only risen, He has a role that can affect your life today.

The Bible teaches that evil spirit beings inspire the evil plaguing human beings. Could this be true?

Was the Sabbath given for the Jews only? Were Christians commanded to keep Sunday? Does it make any difference which day we observe, or whether we keep it at all?

Does the Bible establish whether we are to keep certain days holy to God? Were these days given for ancient Israel only? The biblical answers may shock you!

As society struggles with anxiety and depression, learn to discern living faith from dead faith.

‘You are Gods!’ This is the fundamental truth at the heart of the gospel—and it reveals the incredible future God offers those who obey Him.

The Islamic State attacks on the European Union and NATO headquarters will lead to the rise of a European strongman prophesied to destroy Islamic terrorism.

Steve Jobs possessed the ability to focus intensely on his goals. We need such single-minded focus to attain a spiritual prize worth focusing on above all else.