Key of David

The biblical book of Revelation is extremely confusing—if you don’t possess the key to unlock its meaning.

Enoch is a fascinating Bible character shrouded in mystery. Why is Enoch the prophet nobody understands—and why is it so important for you to understand him in this end time?

The two witnesses might be the most mysterious characters in the entire Bible. What is their vital role on the world scene in the near future?

Adolf Hitler is one of the most terrifyingly evil men in history. What was the real source of his mesmerizing power?

We live in dangerous times. We need God’s power to survive and thrive spiritually in a godless world. Discover the proven strategy for winning your spiritual war.

Do you have the courage to obey God? Here is how one ancient queen risked her life to save her people—and how this inspiring story relates to true Christians.

Do you have the faith to believe and follow God, no matter what? How can you prove where God is working today and stay loyal to God to the very end?

By yourself, you cannot discern Jesus Christ from Satan the devil. This statement is shocking but true! Discover God’s way of showing us the difference between these two.

Revelation chapter 12 describes the relation between God’s Church and Satan. This is one of the most fascinating subjects in the Bible.

Several decades ago, God’s one true Church was rocked by crisis. Your Bible has a lot to say about the rebels who destroyed God’s Church. The leader of this coup is even called the man of sin!