Key of David

What is the Day of the Lord, and how will it affect you? The books of Revelation, Joel and Zephaniah explain this prophecy—one of the most misunderstood in the Bible.

God reveals that He will shake the nations at a specific time immediately before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Find out when this shaking begins.

Even if you read the Bible, you cannot understand biblical prophecy without the key that unlocks those prophecies. Do you have that all-important key?

What connection does the ‘beast’ of the book of Revelation have to world events now leading to Armageddon and the end of this age?

Britain’s decision to leave the European Union is sending shock waves around the globe. No one knew for certain Britain would leave the EU. Or did they?

Critics dismiss much of the Bible as tall tales, but archaeology tells a different story. Proof of the biblical narrative sometimes lies just a few feet below the topsoil.

The Orlando shooting is a prime example of the chaos gripping America today. What is the cause of such devastating bloodshed?

The Bible is a mystery to most people—even religion doesn’t truly understand it! Here is how to remove the mystery from the Bible.

In Matthew 24, Christ unlocks the meaning of the seals of Revelation. Do you understand the meaning of those seven seals?

The financial crisis in Greece is a small example of what will happen in America and Britain.