Key of David

While America and its allies are in decline, Bible prophecy shows three aggressive nations shaping world events.

The Prophet Habakkuk discusses three end-time catastrophes that show where we are in biblical prophecy.

Caught in a storm of persecution, the Apostle Peter delivers a message of unwavering hope.

In the midst of the chaos and destruction foretold in Bible prophecies, God offers the greatest reward to those who obey Him in this end time.

Jesus Christ speaks to His Church. But if we don’t understand how, we will be deceived.

Revelation 10 discusses two end-time messages. The first is the most important book since the Bible. The second describes how God’s people rebelled against the message of that book.

Few people know Charlemagne’s legacy, but Europe will follow in his footsteps one last time.

The devastating impact from the United States’ diplomacy with Iran will hasten the return of Jesus Christ.

As the world falls apart, one small church is pointing to a time of peace that will last forever.

The problems in Ukraine have given Germany a new urgency to build up its military.