Key of David

What connection does the ‘beast’ of the book of Revelation have to world events now leading to Armageddon and the end of this age?

Nearly 30 years ago, a dark spiritual force overthrew God’s Church from within. The Prophet Daniel foretold the same outcome in America.

Family time together and the life of Jesus Christ are both wonderful. But does God want us to celebrate these things by keeping Christmas?

The biblical example of one ancient king shows us how to handle trials, even when they turn into mountainous obstacles.

God prophesies of a coming German leader who will be worse than Adolf Hitler. To understand how this man will gain power, we must comprehend the unseen force that guided Hitler.

The November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris reveal a major shift in world power.

The prophet Hosea talks about Judah’s wound. What is this fatal wound?

The biblical record of God’s Church abruptly ends during the lifetime of the Apostle John. Why?

Learn to search the Scriptures with an understanding of their duality.

The book of Revelation mentions a little book that God would reveal just before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This book has been revealed, and its contents will affect every person on Earth!