Key of David

In Matthew 24, Christ unlocks the meaning of the seals of Revelation. Do you understand the meaning of those seven seals?

The Jews wanted a sign that Jesus Christ was the Messiah, so He gave them the sign of Jonah. That sign also shows when Christ will return!

Steve Jobs was perhaps the greatest inventor of his generation. What was the secret to his success?

How riots in Ferguson and Baltimore are fulfilling Bible prophecies

God gave the Prophet Jeremiah a powerful commission to take King David’s throne to Ireland. But first, Jeremiah had to learn a deep lesson about faith.

The conclusion to the book of Chronicles confuses Bible scholars. But it reveals the ultimate potential of mankind!

An important event just happened in Cyprus—and Germany is very much involved.

The Bible prophesies of a battle between a European king of the north and the king of the south, led by radical Islam. But the nation of Jordan will be protected. We need to know why.

Learn about the spiritual warfare that began before mankind was created and continues to this day.

True Christians do much more than simply accept Jesus Christ’s sacrifice.