Key of David

God promised to send one man in this end time to prepare the way for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Learn about this pivotal prophecy, and how it has already been fulfilled.

Not long ago, God’s one true Church was crushed by lawlessness. This spiritual catastrophe is a sign that the Messiah is coming soon.

King Jeroboam led ancient Israel into idolatry and godlessness. Your Bible forecasts a modern-day Jeroboam will lead one of the nations descended from Israel in this end time.

Good music provides many benefits for your mind, body and spirit. Music is also central to God’s plan.

Control of the Mediterranean Sea requires control of one island: Cyprus. Learn how Cyprus is ruled by Germany, and the impact this will soon have on the entire world.

Right now, one nation poses a more severe threat to world peace than any other: Iran. What does your Bible say about Iran’s pushy foreign policy and how the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism will be stopped?

Two tiny clay seal impressions bear overwhelming proof of the biblical record. These precious artifacts represent perhaps the strongest king-prophet relationship in all of history. Watch as this powerful partnership is brought to life.

A recent archaeological discovery proves the existence of the Prophet Jeremiah’s persecutors. These artifacts are from a terrible period in the history of the nation of Judah. Yet the story of Jeremiah’s captivity is actually full of hope.

God’s Church today is directly involved in discovering the greatest archaeological finds of all time. This discovery proves the Bible and will soon shake the entire world.

Matthew 24 explains the four horsemen of the apocalypse, some of the most terrifying symbols in the Bible. This chapter also foretells the inspiring conclusion to what will be the worst suffering in human history.