Key of David

Jesus Christ was the greatest prophet of all time. While on Earth, He revealed six signs of His Second Coming. To be protected in the dangerous days ahead, you need to be able to discern these signs!

History is a neglected and scorned subject in schools today. This is a deadly mistake. God uses both secular and biblical history to steer the course of individuals and nations.

The European Union is about to join with several South American nations to form the world’s largest trade bloc. Your Bible has a terrifying warning for America regarding such an alliance.

The Bible is a mystery to most people—even religion doesn’t truly understand it! Here is how to remove the mystery from the Bible.

What connection does the ‘beast’ of the book of Revelation have to world events now leading to Armageddon and the end of this age?

Just hours before His crucifixion, Jesus Christ offered up the most inspiring prayer in the Bible. In times of severe personal trial, you need to know what your Savior’s selflessness means for you.

During His time on Earth, Jesus Christ established the one true Church. But just over 100 years later, the Church had vanished. What happened to God’s Church during the ‘lost century’?

A former defense minister of Germany has openly advocated for Europe to return to the ways of the Holy Roman Empire. What do these alarming comments mean for every person on Earth?

The French president has told the world about his love for Germany. What will his ignorance of history and prophecy mean for Europe, America and the whole world?

The French president has publicly and humiliatingly rebuked America. This stunning turn of events aligns with history and Bible prophecy.