Key of David

Nathan Harden was a graduate of Yale in 2009, and he wrote the book Sex and God at Yale, with the subtitle: Porn, Political Correctness, and a Good Education Gone Bad. In his book he writes about sex education, international relations and terrorism, along with a few other subjects he thinks are being taught incorrectly in today’s major educational institutions. Have you ever thought about where false education began? It is a mystery to this world.

Germany is bringing home their gold. They have gold in France, the U.S. and in Britain. Germany is making this move because they fear a global crisis. This developing crisis is going to touch the lives of every single one of us, and that includes the U.S. Yet, God promises that you can be protected!

The Hubble telescope is orbiting the Earth and sending us fabulous pictures of the universe like we’ve never seen before. Many scientists say it’s the most important development in the last century. Those pictures should move and stir us immensely! You can prove that God created the universe!

God used Gerald Flurry to raise up the Philadelphia Church of God, and shortly after that, we began to proclaim our message in January 1990. About four months later the Hubble Space Telescope was launched, and it created quite a sensation. Many scientists believed it was the greatest development in the last century. These two events—the raising up of the Philadelphia Church of God and the launching of the Hubble Space Telescope—we believe happened at the same time for a spectacular reason!

Bible scholars are confused by the conclusion of the book of Chronicles. But as you will see from this program, the true meaning of this book’s conclusion reveals the ultimate potential of mankind!

Was Jesus Christ a prophet? There has been a recent religious controversy about that. Jesus Christ said we have to live by every word of God, so we have to prove from the Bible that Christ was a prophet.

Gerald Flurry spoke to the TV audience about ten years ago about a prophecy that was being fulfilled in the Bible. This prophecy is still being fulfilled today, and it has everything to do with you personally. A recent article in The Jerusalem Post by Caroline Glick talks about the subject that this prophecy covers, and it shows precisely how this prophecy is being fulfilled today!

Ezekiel is an end-time book which talks about three great crises right at the very end. They are all tied together by God’s wrath. We’ve seen Hurricane Sandy do terrible damage. It is being called by many the worst storm to ever hit America. And did you know that it actually plays a role in these three end-time crises?

Hosea 5:13 is one of the most revealing prophecies in all the Bible. It is an end-time prophecy that contains a stunning secret that this world does not understand. It’s about America, Britain, and the Jewish nation in the Middle East. If you want to understand the foreign policy of these three countries, you have to understand this verse. It shows us why our foreign policy often goes astray.

One of the most important keys to understanding prophecy is knowing that it is dual. A theme of duality runs throughout the Bible. Get to know this key of duality and Bible prophecy will come alive for you.