Trumpet Daily

Putting a price on American soldiers puts a price on all Americans.

Will the recent EU elections lead to the formation of a smaller “core” European superstate?

Herbert W. Armstrong warned Britain more than four decades ago about the ominous outcome of seeking membership in the European Union.

Put away childish things.

“And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.”

The gospel message Jesus proclaimed actually came from God the Father!

Amid the financial crises in Europe, Germany is achieving exactly what it wanted, but failed at, in two world wars.

When God has first place in your life, then you will begin to view the strenuous life not as something that bogs you down, but as an opportunity to move forward.

The more we study and learn about our universe, the stronger the evidence becomes of an absolutely remarkable truth: There is an Author of the cosmos. And He intended for us to be able to study the stars to help us come to know more about Him—and His awesome purpose for mankind! our awesome