Trumpet Daily

Earlier this year, Stephen Flurry, his family and five Herbert W. Armstrong College students and alumni established a regional office for the Philadelphia Church of God in Jerusalem, Israel. Over the next 6 months, The Trumpet Daily produced 80 episodes and updates, filming from various locations throughout Jerusalem and the country. This episode sums up The Trumpet Daily’s Israel 2012 experience.

One in 10 human beings believe the Mayan calendar predicts civilization as we know it will come crashing down by the end of this week, on December 21, 2012. Will it? Or is this another false prophecy about the end of the world?

The world was left in a state of shock on Friday when a lone gunman broke into an elementary school in Connecticut and killed 20 children. Six women, including the principle and other school officials were also gunned down. Why do these unimaginable tragedies keep happening? What motivates young people to commit such perverse acts of violence? And why are these shocking attacks becoming more frequent?

On December 10, the Associated Press reported that Israel is voicing concerns that a third intifada might soon erupt in the West Bank. Here is a review of a few recent developments that have happened in the region.

Israeli President Shimon Peres recently said he believes the United Nations vote that upgraded the status of the Palestinian Authority means that Israel and the Palestinians must return to the negotiating table. In order for peace talks to resume, he said, Israel must “forget the past” and move forward. Peres said, “We are not going to deal with Abraham, our father and brother. It’s over.” If Israel’s own leaders begin separating themselves from their biblically grounded heritage, will it finally bring peace?

Over the weekend Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi annulled his November 22 decree that had granted him totalitarian power and sparked a wave of protests across the nation. But was this really an act of conciliation on the part of Morsi or the Muslim Brotherhood?

On November 29, the UN General Assembly upgraded the status of the Palestinian Authority to a “non-member observer state.” While the resolution does not grant statehood or independence to the Palestinians, it is a significant diplomatic score for them. The day after, Israel announced plans to build 3,000 homes in East Jerusalem, a move that immediately triggered an international outcry. Both events are setting the stage to fulfill two key Bible prophecies.

Four important keys to successful time management.

Recently, Dr. Eilat Mazar gave Trumpet Daily personality Stephen Flurry and his family a tour of the ongoing Ophel Excavation site.

We need to understand the enormous impact the Egyptian-Iranian axis will have in the Middle East and even globally.