Trumpet Daily

When it comes to Bible prophecy in the religious world, there is nothing but confusion. In the secular world, on the other hand, most people avoid it all together, fearing that if they should ever examine fulfilled prophecy, they would find proof of the divine inspiration of Scripture. In this program, Stephen Flurry shows how Bible prophecy is the one sure proof that God not only exists, but that He rules over His creation.

The ancient nation of Israel that came out of Egypt and the civilization that arose from Noah and his sons immediately after the Flood both began under the most ideal conditions. In just the space of a few generations or less, however, the people quickly descended into idolatry and rejected God. In this program, Stephen Flurry reviews the unsuccessful attempts of mankind to rule itself, and the necessity of Christ’s return to this Earth to establish a new world.

Few people realize that the Christian life is one of constant struggle against sin. During the last night of His physical life, Jesus Christ encouraged His disciples to follow His example by saying, “Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” How then can we be an overcomer the way that Jesus Christ was an overcomer?

Herbert W. Armstrong often said that viewing today’s world is like tuning in to the end of the movie—and unless we go back to the beginning of the movie, we won’t fully understand the story. In this program, Stephen Flurry examines when God created the first man in the Garden of Eden, and God’s supreme plan and purpose for mankind that was then set into motion.

When America’s Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, they intended it to be the highest authority of the land—towering above every government official, whether elected or appointed. In this program, Stephen Flurry illustrates how this concept of a supreme law to rule over all the land is firmly rooted in the pages of your Bible.

Prophecy—simply foretelling the outcome of events in advance—makes up one third of your Bible. The fact that God filled one third of His Holy Bible with prophecy shows how important it is to Him. In this program, Stephen Flurry shows how prophecy is not extracurricular to our Christian walk, but absolutely essential.

The United States Constitution, the supreme law of the land, is gradually losing its appeal around the world—and at home. Recently, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg even said she would not advise Egyptians to look to the U.S. Constitution when forming their own constitution. In this program, Stephen Flurry highlights America’s dissolving political system and how we are slowly evolving into anarchy.

Just as a computer programmed with faulty data will spit out erroneous information in return, if we likewise fill our minds with garbage, it will eventually show outwardly in the way act. In this episode, Stephen Flurry explains how you can take control of your life by first controlling what you allow into your mind.

At the end of Luke’s Gospel, Jesus Christ commanded His disciples to preach a message of “repentance and remission of sins” to all nations. So why aren’t there more preachers and religious groups proclaiming this message today? In this program, Stephen Flurry illustrates how you can use this message to identify the true followers of Christ.

Time is the most valuable commodity there is. It doesn’t matter who you are—we all have the same 24 hours of time to spend every single day. What are you doing with this most precious commodity? In this program, Stephen Flurry explains why it is important to make the most of our 24 hours each day.