December 25, 2023
16 minutes
”Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.”
December 14, 2023
17 minutes
These deadly foes can come between us and God—separating us from Him. They tend to put wedges into our minds that can grow, gradually separating us from the guidance and power of God’s Holy Spirit and the faith of Jesus Christ—IF we allow them to.
December 4, 2023
18 minutes
If a Christian sins, is he then condemned, lost, no longer a Christian?
November 27, 2023
18 minutes
God tells us there is something we must do before He will apply the sacrifice of Christ to pay the penalty of our sins.
November 20, 2023
17 minutes
If we have God’s perspective, we see everything differently.
November 13, 2023
19 minutes
Some statistics say about 70% of people’s thoughts are negative. Why so much negativity? Are you negative? How do you conquer negativity?
November 6, 2023
18 minutes
How exciting that Jesus Himself said that when we would see all the events He foretold taking place, He would come again!
October 30, 2023
19 minutes
Men since the beginning of time have sought peace.
October 23, 2023
17 minutes
God tells us to meditate. But what is meditation?
October 16, 2023
19 minutes
The Bible is God’s instruction book for mankind.