The Key of David

The Key of David

Presenter Gerald Flurry discusses world events in the light of end-time Bible prophecy. This is the audio format for his Key of David television program. The Key of David emulates the tradition and format, as well as the depth, of the late Herbert W. Armstrong’s telecast, The World Tomorrow, one of the most popular religious programs of its time.

You can watch videos of all The Key of David programs on its website or at The Key of David's YouTube channel.

Germany dominates Europe. But the nation lacks just one asset: a strong leader. Germany is about to get that strong leader—and he will shake the nations.

Bible prophecy proves correct every time. Prophecy is proof that God exists—and that He controls world events

Your Bible makes many bold claims and dares you to prove any of it false. Learn why you can stake your life on every word of the Holy Bible.

The great patriarch Abraham paid tithes to the king of Jerusalem, Melchizedek. Prove the stunning identity of Melchizedek—and how this staggering truth has everything to do with your life.

A world without America in charge is a dangerous world. Gentile powers are now fighting like savage beasts for world dominance. The Bible warns of the darkness brought upon the world by Time of the Gentiles.

Who controls the weather—mankind or God? There is a beautiful purpose behind devastating natural disasters that fortells what will come next.

Angela Merkel recently retired as chancellor of Germany. She made some statements that ought to shake the nations if they understood German history! To most people, though, these comments will mean very little, if anything.

What does it mean to be born again?

Mankind is careening toward the worst time of suffering in world history. God uses one human voice to warn and give hope during this dangerous time before the coming Day of the Lord.

The key of David vision is the greatest vision in the entire Bible. This universe-shaking vision unlocks the future of all mankind!