Trumpet Bookshelf

Trumpet Bookshelf

A Christian’s bookshelf is filled with a number of vital titles—first and foremost the Bible. By exploring the Bible with the help of Philadelphia Church of God literature (available for free at, you will find answers to life’s most important questions and unlock the vision of your marvelous future.

What is God’s stance on military service for true Christians, and why?

It is a deadly trap that has cost humanity dearly.

It is an idea. You can find it in movies. Most of mankind believes it. Do you?

God’s promise to King David of an endless royal throne remains unbreakable to this day. You can prove it—and strengthen your faith in the process.

The devil is a roaring lion. Watch out!

Jesus Christ called Himself “I AM.” The meaning of this name is astounding and reveals so much about your awesome potential.

What is your relationship with law? Does this matter to God?

Our God is a jealous God—but also merciful.

God has existed forever, without a starting point. We cannot understand this—a fact that should humble us.

King Jehoshaphat’s prayer got results, saving Judah from destruction. But how? What can you do to ensure that God will fight your battles for you?