Tomorrow’s News Today
Executive Editor
Stephen Flurry
Aired: March 10, 2023 • Trumpet Daily
Afghanistan Retreat Is a Scandal That Dwarfs Benghazi

00:30 FBI Concealed Evidence in Proud Boys Trial (15 minutes)

The trial of January 6 protester and Proud Boys member Ethan Nordean derailed this week after his attorney filed a motion against FBI special agent Nicole Miller. Miller actively concealed internal chat documents relating to the case, including one message that talked about destroying evidence. The “deep state” and propaganda media favor censorship and obscuring truth when it doesn’t match their narrative.

15:15 Biden’s Benghazi (14 minutes)

At a House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing, U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews testified regarding the Kabul airport suicide bombing during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. The marines knew the attack was coming and were aware of the suicide bomber’s location for hours, but they were not allowed to stop the bomber. Thirteen Americans were murdered in the attack.

32:00 ‘Walls Are Closing In’ (13 minutes)

In November 2022, the National Archives and Records Administration recovered nine boxes of documents from the Boston office of one of Joe Biden’s lawyers. The documents had been removed from the Penn-Biden Center, but the truth about this story was kept under wraps until this week. Meanwhile, the New York Times reported Donald Trump will likely face criminal charges for the Stormy Daniels scandal, even though the case “hinges on an untested and therefore risky legal theory.” Paul Ryan insisted in another New York Times article that Trump won’t get the Republican presidential nomination because he is “unelectable.”

45:30 Grouchy Fauci (10 minutes)

Dr. Anthony Fauci doubled down on his COVID-19 opinions during a Fox News interview yesterday, absolving himself from responsibility and criticizing former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield for telling the truth “in a public setting.” Today’s leaders are caught up in will worship, a subject discussed in Colossians 2.

About The Trumpet daily

The Trumpet Daily proves the Bible’s relevancy to your life. Trumpet executive editor Stephen Flurry hosts a show covering wide-ranging topics with an emphasis on world news.

Stephen Flurry is executive editor of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine and president of Herbert W. Armstrong College in Edmond, Oklahoma.

The Trumpet Daily airs live weekdays at 11 a.m. Central Time. You can watch the live video stream at

The show is also available on your favorite podcast apps.

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About The Trumpet daily

The Trumpet Daily proves the Bible’s relevancy to your life. Trumpet executive editor Stephen Flurry hosts a show covering wide-ranging topics with an emphasis on world news.

Stephen Flurry is executive editor of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine and president of Herbert W. Armstrong College in Edmond, Oklahoma.

The Trumpet Daily airs live weekdays at 11 a.m. Central Time. You can watch the live video stream at

The show is also available on your favorite podcast apps.