Tomorrow’s News Today
Executive Editor
Stephen Flurry
Aired: April 4, 2023 • Trumpet Daily
The American Banana Republic

00:30 Behold the Lamb of God (21 minutes)

Americans are focused on Donald Trump today, but they should be focused on the Lamb of God who sacrificed Himself so that our sins could be purged and we could be reconciled to God. Passover reinforces the fundamental truth that only God can save us.

21:00 Wildfire Miracles (6 minutes)

26:45 Indictment Day: ‘America’s Day of Shame’ (28 minutes)

On indictment day, one small step for Donald Trump is one giant leap in ratings for the mainstream media. Alvin Bragg’s office committed a felony by leaking sealed information about the indictment to Michael Isikoff, the reporter who collaborated with the FBI and Hillary Clinton on the Steele dossier. The response to the indictment is Trump derangement syndrome on full display, and the entire world is watching America’s shame.

About The Trumpet daily

The Trumpet Daily proves the Bible’s relevancy to your life. Trumpet executive editor Stephen Flurry hosts a show covering wide-ranging topics with an emphasis on world news.

Stephen Flurry is executive editor of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine and president of Herbert W. Armstrong College in Edmond, Oklahoma.

The Trumpet Daily airs live weekdays at 11 a.m. Central Time. You can watch the live video stream at

The show is also available on your favorite podcast apps.

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About The Trumpet daily

The Trumpet Daily proves the Bible’s relevancy to your life. Trumpet executive editor Stephen Flurry hosts a show covering wide-ranging topics with an emphasis on world news.

Stephen Flurry is executive editor of the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine and president of Herbert W. Armstrong College in Edmond, Oklahoma.

The Trumpet Daily airs live weekdays at 11 a.m. Central Time. You can watch the live video stream at

The show is also available on your favorite podcast apps.