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Article • April 13, 2006

It appears Israel is turning its back on its greatest ally when it needs it the most.

Article • January 23, 2009

Israel has been here before—and made the same mistakes.

Feature • January 31, 2024

The Bible prophesies that this is how World War iii will start.

Article • April 29, 2021

Leftists are trying to blot out American values that trace back 4,000 years.

Article • September 18, 2012

Article • June 9, 2023

Is Israel revealing its intelligence cards to the wrong partner?

Article • October 30, 2023

Article • July 16, 2021

Reflecting on the Jewish day of mourning

Article • August 28, 2023

Israel’s Arrow 3 sale was historic—but not for the reason most think.

Article • February 6, 2020

What’s worse: a political deadlock or cooperating with the far right?

Feature • January 3, 2024

Why can’t Israel win its battles today?

Feature • September 1, 2012

Feature • December 27, 2017

America’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was a good one, but not for the reasons you might think.

Article • December 14, 2007

A look back at the special relationship Israel once had with the United States and Britain.

Feature • July 31, 2019

The Jewish state is confident and strong, and for good reason. How long can the good times last?

Article • September 28, 2008

Who’s the greater default risk—McDonald’s or the federal government? And did you notice where Ahmadinejad delivered his latest “death to Israel” rant?

Feature • January 1, 2015

The Jews face a bleak future alone. The next move by the Arabs, and Israel’s response, will affect us all.

Feature • August 1, 2015

For hundreds of years, the Vatican created rivers of blood trying to seize control of the Holy Land from Muslims. Today the Vatican apparently endorses Palestinian sovereignty. Why?

Article • June 25, 2013

German national pride rises to the surface. What will be the end result?

Feature • May 1, 2006

How did the tiny nation of Israel lose its image as the Davidic hero, victoriously battling the Goliath of surrounding enemy nations in 1967, to become today’s global pariah?

Article • October 1, 2009

Despite the Obama administration’s efforts, anti-Americanism among Islamic states is unrelenting.

Feature • June 1, 2000

Since World War ii, we have seen the emergence of neo-fascist, right-wing extremist and radical nationalist movements. Twenty years ago such groups were marginal. Today some of them can be no longer dismissed as having no influence on national and international politics.

Feature • March 1, 2016

Muslim migrants are flooding Germany with problems. German leaders want to cover it up; German citizens want different leaders

Article • November 19, 2010

Which country cares about Ireland’s tax rate, which country will benefit from Hungary’s EU presidency, which chancellor is declaring her country a major world power that need not be ashamed, and which history of Jewish persecution is about to repeat itself.

Feature • August 1, 2001

Europe is trying to break into Mideast “peacemaking.” They aren’t interested in mediating. They want to take over.