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Article • January 15, 2008

Susanne Winter joins a lengthening list of European leaders calling for Islam to be “thrown back where it came from.”

Article • September 11, 2012

Anti-American protests are becoming more prevalent. Riots in Cairo outside U.S. Embassy proves Egypt’s hatred for its former ally.

Article • December 29, 2015

Can ‘savvy history and politics teachers’ use Adolf Hitler’s manifesto to immunize against political extremism?

Feature • November 1, 2005

Article • November 14, 2005

On the heels of his anti-Israel diatribe, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad recently sacked senior ambassadors deemed too liberal for his administration.

Article • April 23, 2009

Britain’s presence at the farcical “anti-racism” conference reveals the sorry state of its foreign policy.

Feature • June 1, 2001

Article • September 19, 2011

Although the protest didn’t materialize into anything as significant as the recent raid in Cairo, Israel’s decision to evacuate its embassy in Jordan reveals its fear of an Islamizing Middle East.

Article • December 10, 2015

Across Europe, political parties are moving from the fringes to be the new mainstream.

Article • March 21, 2005

China’s new “anti-seccesion” law is causing quite a stir in East Asia. Here’s why this law is, and is not, a big deal.

Feature • April 1, 2012

Article • January 3, 2011

Hamas stockpiles weapons in Gaza with help from the head of the terrorist snake.

Article • November 21, 2007

Stoiber wants to make Europe more people-oriented and less bureaucratic. He won’t allow the European Commission to dictate how he goes about it.

Article • August 10, 2007

Germans disapprove of the U.S. administration—but anti-Americanism goes much deeper than the Iraq war.

Article • August 13, 2014

‘The goal of full unity may seem distant, yet it remains the aim, which should direct our every step along the way.’

Article • June 2, 2022

Will there be a Canada-America schism?

Feature • September 1, 2006

Article • June 16, 2008

As South America unifies, it is increasingly looking to Europe rather than the United States.

Article • October 4, 2006

Feature • March 1, 2000

Article • December 5, 2005

Anti-Americanism is a rising sentiment in Europe. But what if every European Union nation were forced to embrace this as official policy?

Article • January 11, 2008

The immigration issue is back on the mind of German voters, and candidates are responding in kind.