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Article • April 9, 2013

Why so little coverage of Philadelphia’s ‘House of Horrors’?

Article • September 3, 2014

Why the Australian government can’t stop Muslims from becoming terrorists

Article • December 26, 2005

Thanks to democracy, 2005 was a huge year for radical Islamist groups in Egypt, Israel and Iraq.

Article • May 6, 2020

The true pedigree of today’s environmentalism is less green than red.

Article • June 1, 2018

Article • September 17, 2015

In five years’ time, Britain could be led by a terrorist-sympathizing, anti-military, openly socialist, monarchy-hating, radical-leftist prime minister.

Article • April 20, 2011

A big-picture look at recent earth-altering events

Article • March 28, 2019

Hungary might seem like a European outsider today, but prophecy states that this is about to change.

Article • January 16, 2006

Ariel Sharon’s policies garnered support among Israelis and in the Western press—so much so that his new party could fare well without him. But they come with high costs.

Article • April 20, 2008

From the creeping feminization of the family unit to the elimination of the father—it’s almost a done deal in Britain.

Article • February 13, 2013

Will Turkey be able to force itself into the EU?

Article • May 29, 2019

Facing an identity crisis, Italian voters are turning to dangerous alternatives.

Article • November 12, 2012

Is it a worrying preview of much more to come?

Article • April 30, 2009

Sixty years after establishing diplomatic relations, the two countries are growing closer.

Article • March 7, 2011

Traditional British society is being turned upside down by a new generation of godless judges.

Article • May 16, 2018

A win for terrorism

Article • January 6, 2021

‘No one has managed to restrain Russia.’

Feature • February 1, 2007

Tracking Iran’s steps to dominate its neighbors

Article • May 5, 2009

As the world watched the Durban II spectacle, most missed its most important revelation.

Article • May 27, 2010

The institution once responsible for infusing the English with a spirit of independence is now selling England out.

Article • August 13, 2010

The debate over same-sex “marriage” is merely a symptom of a society that has already cast off moral restraint.

Article • January 31, 2019

Feature • December 1, 2004

Article • December 28, 2006

The speed and aggression with which Iran is moving shows how unprecedentedly confident it has become. The region is adjusting—sometimes fearfully—to this developing reality.