Article • January 24, 2023

Article • March 2, 2006

The International Bank of Settlements is calling for a new global financial system to fix the world’s debt problems.

Feature • October 1, 2015

Article • March 22, 2011

What would happen if California were struck with a Japan-size earthquake?

Article • April 20, 2022

Joe Biden may be increasing American defense spending, but not enough to save the U.S. Navy.

Feature • October 1, 2010

The world’s two greatest export nations join battle on German soil.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • May 2, 2019

Article • November 16, 2023

Article • August 24, 2023

Article • June 7, 2023

Feature • May 1, 2006

Feature • February 1, 2017

A look at the optimism of Britain’s vindicated euroskeptics

Article • November 24, 2005

Give thanks where thanks is due.

Article • September 11, 2007

Australia may well be the U.S.’s strongest ally in the war on terror.

Article • December 14, 2005

Violent race riots have largely shattered Australia’s reputation as a happy-go-lucky nation that embraces multiculturalism and racial diversity.

Article • November 19, 2020

A new world order is being formed in the Asia-Pacific, and it excludes the U.S.

Article • July 18, 2007

The U.S. dollar continues to lose its value due to flaws too fundamental to ignore.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • April 1, 2021

Article • July 24, 2012

Feature • March 29, 2023

In The Wonderful World Tomorrow—What It Will Be Like, Herbert W. Armstrong highlighted several prognostications from Jerrold Maxmen’s 1976 book The Post-Physician Era: Medicine in the 21st Century. Here is how they are panning out.

Article • November 7, 2014