Article • August 25, 2020

The Morrison government momentarily dropped its conservative facade.

Article • August 2, 2006

… then you won’t be pleased to hear about the likely rise in such food staples as bread, pasta, corn, and even beer.

Article • April 18, 2006

The debate over illegal immigration shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what’s at stake: the nation itself.

Live by Every Word Radio Episode • May 20, 2019

Christ has promised a new marriage covenant with His people. Now is the time to prepare.

Trumpet Bookshelf Radio Episode • December 31, 2021

New Year’s is a time of wild celebration. But what is the point?

Music for Life Radio Episode • November 16, 2015

In this episode, we discuss the Mozart Orchestra of New York, conductor Gerard Schwarz and their program of the last three Mozart Symphonies that they will perform at Armstrong Auditorium in Edmond, Oklahoma — Thursday, Nov. 19.

Just the Best Literature Radio Episode • November 8, 2021

Host Dennis Leap with special guest Grant Turgeon discuss chapters 5 through 9 of Melville’s timeless classic Moby Dick, which give the history of America’s once great whaling capitals, New Bedford and Nantucket.

Article • November 23, 2010

German politicians and industrialists are working together to secure new supplies of rare earth material.

Live by Every Word Radio Episode • September 6, 2018

If we are to really understand the Bible, we need to live by every word of it—both the Old and the New Testament.

Article • April 28, 2009

How do the Bible’s prophetic warnings about coming disease epidemics affect you?

Key of David Program • July 6, 2011

The “new thing” is one of the most profound concepts in the Bible. It is a very strong statement about God’s government, and it has everything to do with how we follow Christ today.

Article • January 26, 2017

Russia’s president is a dangerous man. Should U.S. President Trump form an alliance with him?

Article • October 26, 2015

Article • January 30, 2015

The biggest question in Europe may soon be answered: Who controls Europe?

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • November 17, 2015

The reaction of French politicians after last week’s attack compared to the earlier Charlie Hebdo incident is startling. “November is not January,” the New York Times noted yesterday. Beyond France, Europeans are upset and worried by the prospect of terrorists streaming into the Continent thanks to the European Union’s lax border controls. The mood in Europe is changing, reality is setting in, and this time around, things are different. Tune in to the latest Trumpet Daily Radio Show for more analysis on Europe’s response to these mounting crises.

Trumpet Daily Program • March 3, 2012

The ancient nation of Israel that came out of Egypt and the civilization that arose from Noah and his sons immediately after the Flood both began under the most ideal conditions. In just the space of a few generations or less, however, the people quickly descended into idolatry and rejected God. In this program, Stephen Flurry reviews the unsuccessful attempts of mankind to rule itself, and the necessity of Christ’s return to this Earth to establish a new world.

Music for Life Radio Episode • December 17, 2018

In this episode, host Ryan Malone gives an overview of his new booklet, How God Values Music, which explores music’s importance through history, its inspiring future, plus its impact in our lives and how it connects us with the eternal.

The Key of David Radio Episode • June 25, 2021

The great patriarch Abraham set his sights on a city he never actually saw. Learn how Abraham’s sharp focus on New Jerusalem dramatically improved his life—and how his faith can be yours!

From the book: Australia—Where to Now?

Article • January 9, 2019

Yet another trade agreement excludes the U.S.

Article • July 20, 2008

Two great ideologies are set to clash in a mighty battle for global hegemony. That’s one of the greatest of signs of the imminent intervention of Almighty God in this world’s affairs!