Article • October 2, 2014

He is an astute, pragmatic thinker, a powerful communicator, and a natural leader—just the type of individual Germany and Europe need right now.

Article • January 14, 2020

Leaders with one mind are rising in Europe to drastically change the Continent’s future.

Article • October 3, 2022

The timing is remarkable.

Article • December 15, 2023

German politics are about to change our world.

Article • August 21, 2020

Guttenberg is a fallen star in German politics, but this summer it was revealed what unusual power he still holds.

Article • August 20, 2017

The German chancellor seems headed for yet another election victory, but even her own party is getting ready for life after Angela Merkel.

Article • November 23, 2011

Germany’s most popular political figure raises his profile.

Article • September 3, 2017

Hurricane Harvey’s warning, wmd threats from North Korea, Syria and Iran, and more

Article • July 31, 2017

The German media is consumed with the comeback of Germany’s most-wanted political superstar, yet it still underestimates him.

Feature • March 1, 2014

Was his untimely departure from German politics a blessing in disguise? Recent actions show that he may be preparing for a dramatic return.

Article • October 6, 2020

Germany rose from the ashes to dominate Europe, but it’s yet lacking a strong leader. This might soon change.

Article • November 23, 2011

Charges of plagiarism against Germany’s most popular political personality have been dropped.

Article • March 19, 2017

Is this the return of a prodigal son or a long-planned comeback?

From the book: A Strong German Leader Is Imminent

Article • May 19, 2013

The changes in military force structure introduced by Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg are now being embraced as German government policy.

Article • January 7, 2014

The former German defense minister calls out the Russian premier for his authoritarian agenda.

Article • October 20, 2010

Are two high-profile Bavarians set to team up?

Article • April 1, 2011

German newspapers report on an allegation that Edmund Stoiber’s daughter is guilty of plagiarism.

Article • August 8, 2022

It’s a perfect time to reform the EU.

Article • February 24, 2021

In a hostile world, Israel is certainly taking note of the few supporters it has.

Article • May 23, 2011

Barely months after the leftists’ attack on Germany’s most popular political personality, signs of his early return to the political arena emerge.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • February 29, 2016

In Matthew 24, Jesus Christ was asked what events would signal the end of this present age of man. He answered by listing a number of worldwide problems that would intensify into the crisis at the close. Today we are experiencing the outer edges of the storm that will lead to the end of this age and the establishment of God’s Kingdom on Earth. On today’s program, Stephen Flurry highlights world events that are fulfilling those prophecies.Also on today’s show, when Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg was pushed out of office in 2011, the Trumpet told followers to continue watching him. We wrote numerous articles predicting his eventual return to German politics. Now, in the midst of Germany’s numerous crises and as the post-Merkel era looms, many news outlets are writing about Guttenberg’s inevitable return. How was the Trumpet so accurate with this predication? Find out on today’s program.

Article • November 7, 2015

All you need to know about everything in the news this week

Article • February 14, 2020

Leaderless Germany fears parallels with Nazi Germany.