Feature • May 1, 2008

Will appeasing China mean Taiwan gets annexed?

Article • May 19, 2013

Ambassador Foundation support of anthropological exploration

Feature • September 1, 2014

Article • July 3, 2017

The terrorist group is now using the facade of ‘environmentalism’ as its latest tool for war.

Article • June 19, 2007

The EU Council of Ministers has signed a new agreement on DNA sharing. The agreement is another display of the EU’s undemocratic methods of forcing its agenda on member states.

Feature • January 1, 2015

Article • March 9, 2008

Palestinian celebration of Jerusalem terror attack, and the collapse of the Serbian government; plus, who does Zimbabwe invite to monitor its elections?

Article • November 2, 2017

The story of a ‘brief window of time, fated never to open again’

Article • September 3, 2020

Article • February 13, 2018

Five years ago these islands did not exist; now they are formidable Chinese military outposts.

Article • August 31, 2023

But not in a good way

Article • September 28, 2012

On September 21, Germany opened a new port with the potential to dominate the shipping trade in the near future.

Article • August 29, 2019

Iran’s ‘land bridge’ in the Middle East ‘came into full view over the weekend.’

Article • August 5, 2021

One of the greatest cover-ups in modern history is being exposed.

Article • June 27, 2005

A stunning election upset has put a hardliner into the presidency. He wants to make Iran a role model of a powerful Islamic country—just like the mullahs who put him into office.

Feature • July 1, 2010

The anguished state of World Cup host South Africa.

Feature • March 1, 2000

America wants a closer trading relationship with Britain. To achieve this it needs Canada’s help. What role will Canada play in this coming Anglo-Saxon combine? In this article, we take a look at the rich history of this nation throughout the past century and show why Canada finds itself in such a precarious position right now.

Article • January 14, 2020

Will the Russo-Turkish friendship last?

Article • September 14, 2018

China hopes diplomatic efforts will neutralize India’s resistance to the Belt and Road Initiative, but it has a backup plan.

Article • February 18, 2019

The newfound importance of Germany’s national spy agency is deeply symbolic of its changing foreign policy.