Article • October 18, 2018

‘Shockwaves throughout the U.S. military and the American defense industry’

Article • June 9, 2017

Another shocking election in the United Kingdom

Article • June 22, 2021

The government considers white supremacy a greater threat than radical Islam.

Feature • May 1, 1999

A shifting alliance: Searching for a new identity since the end of the Cold War, NATO hopes to have found one.

Article • January 2, 2013

The United States is abandoning Britain in favor of a new friend—the European Union.

Feature • March 1, 2007

Article • December 19, 2021

‘In the big power game between the U.S. and China, the EU must work hard to avoid being sandwiched between the two.’

Article • May 14, 2016

All you need to know about everything in the news this week

Article • December 15, 2017

The New American Morality is rather inconsistent, but you’d better learn it real quick, because it is also extremely unforgiving.

Article • June 28, 2007

Despite British and Polish opposition, the 27-member EU has accepted a new draft treaty—and it is eerily similar to the previously rejected constitution.

Article • May 29, 2012

European leaders preparing radical steps toward creation of a European superstate—on German terms.

Feature • January 1, 2005

It was a banner year for headline news. Yet, why is it that the real news, the news hidden behind the editorial bias of the commercial news media, hardly ever made the front page?

Article • July 14, 2011

The U.S. military acknowledges China “has arrived as a world power.” Its aggression in the South China Sea indicates that its arrival bodes poorly for the Asian status quo.

Article • December 18, 2015

A smaller EU with its own army can already be seen on the horizon.

Article • December 20, 2021

From the book: The New Throne of David

Article • September 23, 2019

The latest accusations against Brett Kavanaugh reveal the lawless spirit gripping America.

Article • June 24, 2021

‘This expressway is another testament to the unbreakable ironclad friendship between Cambodia and China.’

Article • February 12, 2019

Working together on advanced military capabilities strengthens the prophesied Franco-German alliance.

Feature • August 17, 2023

God is pleading with you to heed the warning in this book.

Article • April 25, 2019

Salami’s appointment highlights Iran’s maniacal dedication to Israel’s destruction.

Article • March 23, 2011

The European Union votes to destroy Britain’s greatest industry.

Article • January 30, 2020

‘As more schools teach LGBTQ history, the resources grow.’