Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • July 13, 2017

United States President Donald Trump’s speech in Poland and visit to the G-20 last week attracted a lot of media attention. But he gave another speech and attended another summit that may be more important. Mr. Trump gave his complete backing to a new initiative that will, in his words, “transform and rebuild the entire region” of Central and Eastern Europe. A new alliance is forming in this region—one that Herbert W. Armstrong forecast 60 years ago. Trumpet contributing editor Richard Palmer discusses this new alliance and shows how it will affect you. Also on today’s program, we discuss China’s rise as a naval power. Two weeks ago, China finished construction on one of the most modern and powerful warships in the world. This week China dispatches troops to its first overseas military base. What does China’s meteoric rise as a naval power mean for the world?

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • January 8, 2016

Germany’s police, media and politicians have deceived the German public about crime caused by migrants pouring into the country. The lie was exposed in the most dramatic way possible on New Year’s Eve in Cologne. A 1,000-member mob raped and groped women with impunity. No one was arrested, and the head of the local police union believes no one will be punished. By trying to cover up this kind of migrant crime, German authorities are destroying the faith of the German people in their government, media and police. The parallels with 1930s Europe are unnerving. Meanwhile, the global economic crisis of 2008 is causing Europeans to completely rethink the American dominated economic system. A revolution is brewing in Europe that will see nations look to new politicians and a create a new way of running their economies.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • December 22, 2015

When the new, supposedly “bipartisan” spending bill was quickly introduced before Congress last week, House leader Paul Ryan said he wasn’t happy about the process, but that the Republicans had “made the best of it.” Meanwhile, White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Democrats succeeded in blocking off Republican attempts to advance “their ideological agenda through the budgetary process.” The Democrats are looking at this new budget as a success—they’ve received funding for everything they wanted. How did this happen in a Republican controlled Congress? And what does this indicate for the future of the country? Listen to the latest Trumpet Daily Radio Show to find out what the new spending bill means for America.

Feature • April 1, 2015

You are not condemned to being a bystander of your brain health, helplessly hoping to remain mentally agile into old age. Dr. Norman Doidge’s research shows that you can take action to maintain and even improve your cognitive ability. Here are three things he recommends toward that end, which you can start doing today.

Article • April 27, 2009

Beijing seizes the global economic crisis as an opportunity to assert its influence.

Article • October 5, 2021

How trips to Capitol Hill and New York City taught me a lot about God and America

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • August 7, 2020

Article • October 13, 2020

The German Army’s new main battle tank prepares the country for a new type of warfare.

From the book: The Book of Hebrews

Article • July 20, 2011

Article • June 12, 2019

China is attempting to succeed where Japan failed by using debt-trap diplomacy instead of kamikaze fighters.

Article • May 31, 2007

A new Hamas-backed terror group in the West Bank poses a dire threat to Israel.

Article • May 27, 2013

Germany and the Netherlands form a joint task force.

Article • February 28, 2020

A new set of policies will make Russia more mobile, capable and powerful in the increasingly important region.

Article • April 2, 2008

One of the most explosively dangerous countries in the world just got a new government.

Article • November 10, 2008

While America dreams on in Obamaland, reality is about to strike at the G-20 summit in Washington this week.

Article • July 8, 2011

If at first they don’t succeed, homosexual advocates will try, and try again.

Article • June 21, 2017

The message is clear: Accept it or else.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • February 11, 2020

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • May 18, 2020

Article • January 11, 2008

A new Russian law says only state-owned firms can use the term “Russia” in their name.

Article • February 7, 2010

Feature • January 1, 2018