Article • December 6, 2010

Article • October 20, 2011

A vision into a new world.

Article • June 5, 2008

North Africa could become an Afghanistan-like terrorist command center within striking distance of Europe.

Article • March 13, 2008

Another day, another $200 billion injected into banks. Goodbye dollar value. Hello Zimbabwe currency.

Feature • March 1, 2014

Article • July 21, 2014

New data show that the world is preparing for a new superpower.

Feature • September 1, 2015

A scientific achievement that radiates inspiration

Article • April 16, 2016

The German Army prepares for cyberwar.

Feature • January 1, 2019

Your impact on others can be greater now than ever.

Article • May 13, 2019

Ukraine is the linchpin in Putin’s plan to restore Russian greatness.

Article • February 24, 2020

How difficult would it be for one of the nation’s ruthless terrorist groups to gain control over its nuclear arms?

Article • June 9, 2020

New reports indicate the intent of last month’s cyberattack on an Israeli water supply.

Feature • October 1, 2007

Feature • July 1, 2005

Bible prophecy outlines what to watch in the muddled Middle East. Two prophecies in particular appear to be unfolding according to design.

Article • September 5, 2005

Every person living in America will feel the ripple effects of Hurricane Katrina.

Article • August 29, 2009

Hamas youth camp; a new Iranian star in Iraq; another loss for the Kennedy dynasty

Article • January 16, 2020

Ignoring history takes America further down the path of division.

Article • March 8, 2010

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • May 31, 2016

Iran’s government last week elected Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati to lead the Assembly of Experts, the body responsible for picking the nation’s next supreme leader. Jannati is a hard-liner who has encouraged suicide bombings and, in 2014, stated that Iran’s number one slogan was “Death to America.” When asked about the election of Jannati, United States State Department spokesman Mark Toner shared a laugh with reporters and had no comment on the issue. The next day, when Toner was asked about the new coalition in Israel between Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Avigdor Lieberman, he wasted little time in noting that it was “the most right-wing coalition in Israel’s history.” Why is the U.S. silent on the election of Jannati and upset about Israel’s new coalition? Find out on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show.

Article • January 3, 2019

The German media questions how long Merkel’s government will survive as the public groans for a savior.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • February 8, 2019

Feature • June 1, 2005