Feature • August 1, 2006

Article • September 22, 2009

The USS America is sinking—and Japan is getting off while it can.

Article • March 23, 2009

Germany has just trumped all other nations with its latest espionage tool.

Article • May 25, 2010

Trying to play God, scientists end up disproving evolution—again.

Article • October 3, 2011

Within days of each other, three men we have connected as possibly becoming prominent in the future restructuring of Europe gained headlines.

Article • February 8, 2021

Rival Palestinian factions have drafted an agreement that paves the way for a coalition government.

Article • April 1, 2024

A new age of warfare requires a new age of tanks.

Feature • July 1, 2016

Bring it on.

Article • April 6, 2010

Will lifting the ban on offshore drilling relieve America’s oil dependency?

Article • October 16, 2008

Growing cooperation between Moscow and Berlin is undermining the influence and credibility of arguably the most important security organization in modern history.

Article • February 26, 2014

Italy’s upheavals point to a dangerous political crisis brewing in Europe.

Article • January 12, 2016

How the mass sexual assault of hundreds of women will revolutionize Europe

Article • March 13, 2018

Germany’s months without a stable government are about to end, but its problems are certain to continue.

Article • March 7, 2006

The United States is encouraging and augmenting India’s rise on the world scene: It is critical to Washington’s security policy in the region, and it provides a counterweight to the rise of China. But is India a reliable ally? When push comes to shove, will it support America, or side with its Asian neighbor?

Article • November 17, 2008

German demands grow more strident as the world dallies on a plan to fix the global economy.

Feature • March 2, 2017

Bible prophecy reveals who he is and which country he rules today! You desperately need to prove this revelation.

Article • August 5, 2013

Politicians on both sides of the aisle seem to lack a foundational element of leadership.

Article • May 16, 2005

The Roman Catholic Church is in a quandary. The Vatican under Pope Benedict XVI is quite conservative. American Catholics generally comprise the most liberal element of the church. To what extent, then, will the new pontiff go in his efforts to purge the church of liberalism?

Article • December 12, 2005

Mahmoud Abbas has passed a law giving government aid to terrorists’ families.

Article • January 22, 2024

Feature • March 1, 2001