Article • August 2, 2007

American credibility as a Middle East peacemaker is gone, and Germany doesn’t want American arms messing up EU plans for “peace in the Middle East.”

Feature • January 1, 2008

Article • January 9, 2008

Record-breaking drought has been followed by record-breaking floods, with a disastrous fire thrown in for good measure.

Article • February 13, 2009

Article • November 17, 2009

Feature • June 1, 2000

Feature • July 1, 1999

Feature • July 1, 2002

From the book: The Eternal Has Chosen Jerusalem

Article • January 22, 2011

Israeli archaeologist Dr. Mazar discusses with the Trumpet the value of the Bible in Israeli archaeology.

Article • February 6, 2009

Germany’s foreign minister, Vice Chancellor Frank-Walter Steinmeier, lost no time in muscling in on President Obama’s foreign-policy agenda.

Article • November 26, 2018

Moving ‘step by step to “an army of Europeans”’

Article • December 31, 2018

New citizenship law shows Europe’s changing attitude toward Islam.

Article • December 21, 2021

An unorthodox leader rises in an unorthodox way in Germany.

Article • November 2, 2017

As the United States distances itself from the Philippines, Russia and China are swooping in to fill the void.

Article • March 6, 2009

Is the once-special relationship between the United States and Britain about to end?

Feature • April 1, 2010

Latin American and Caribbean nations vote to keep the U.S. out of their affairs.

Article • April 9, 2010

Obama’s vision of a nuke-free world will lead to another global war.

Article • April 24, 2019

With the death of a journalist in Londonderry’s riots, what should we watch for in an increasingly violent Northern Ireland?