Feature • November 1, 1998

Today’s crisis began as nations rebuilt from the rubble of World War II.

From the book: The New Throne of David

Article • January 9, 2015

GDP grew 5 percent in the third quarter—or did it?

Article • February 10, 2017

“Almost silently, Germany has changed its defense policy.”

Article • March 3, 2017

All you need to know about everything in the news this week

Article • March 26, 2016

All you need to know about everything in the news this week

Article • March 15, 2018

Berlin takes command of another military headquarters.

Article • April 3, 2018

Interior Minister Horst Seehofer: ‘Safety is a human right. A strong state does not tolerate a legal vacuum.’

Article • December 15, 2018

Terror in France, uncertainty in Germany, portentous cooperation in Asia, and more

Article • February 1, 2019

Ahead of the 2020 United States presidential elections, Democrats are speaking like revolutionaries.

Feature • March 1, 2019

A new government means a field ripe for harvest.

Feature • August 1, 2007

As scientists run their biggest race, the U.S. falls hopelessly behind Europe.

Article • March 10, 2020

Over the period of five short years, Europe’s attitude toward refugees has drastically changed.

Feature • March 1, 2014

Article • July 21, 2014

New data show that the world is preparing for a new superpower.

Feature • September 1, 2015

A scientific achievement that radiates inspiration

Article • April 16, 2016

The German Army prepares for cyberwar.

Feature • January 1, 2019

Your impact on others can be greater now than ever.

Article • May 13, 2019

Ukraine is the linchpin in Putin’s plan to restore Russian greatness.

Article • February 24, 2020

How difficult would it be for one of the nation’s ruthless terrorist groups to gain control over its nuclear arms?

Article • June 9, 2020

New reports indicate the intent of last month’s cyberattack on an Israeli water supply.

Article • October 2, 2009

Plus, an offer you can’t refuse