Article • March 3, 2011

The resignation of Germany’s defense minister stimulates calls for his early return to Germany’s government.

Feature • March 29, 2023

Computer technology is revolutionizing combat.

Article • September 13, 2011

Germany’s most popular couple make their first public appearance since taking up temporary residence in America.

Article • October 10, 2018

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is no longer in politics. But a major shake-up in the csu and a crisis in German politics could help persuade him to return.

Article • November 7, 2019

The future of Germany’s leadership has never seemed so uncertain.

Article • October 22, 2017

Meet Sebastian Kurz, Austria’s new chancellor and the world’s youngest head of state.

Key of David Program • May 24, 2024

Iran rules the Middle East today. But something dramatic is happening in the region: the war-torn nation of Syria is slipping out of the grasp of Iran and Russia. Understand how Syria is moving closer to Germany—and how this shift is leading to world war.

Feature • December 6, 2018

The end of Merkel could be a turning point not just for Germany, but the whole world.

Article • March 1, 2011

Germany’s defense minister has resigned. Here’s why you should continue to keep an eye on him.

Article • January 28, 2014

Germany’s strategy for Europe celebrates its 50th anniversary.

Feature • May 22, 2018

‘Fintech’: miracle, or meh?

Article • April 4, 2013

Germany’s former defense minister muscles in on Berlin’s Middle East debate.

Article • October 9, 2019

Will Austrian politics be paralleled in Germany?

Article • January 18, 2010

Germany’s governing coalition is caught in a crisis that may lead to a dramatic change in the form and style of governance in Europe’s most powerful nation.

Article • November 8, 2013

Germany’s rumor mill is churning. Is Guttenberg about to return to politics?

Article • June 21, 2010

Twin trends in Germany spell danger ahead.

Article • November 3, 2020

A digital euro is set to define the future of cross-border payments, gaining ground on the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency.

Article • December 1, 2009

Germany’s new generation is searching for charismatic, staunch politicians of the caliber of Edmund Stoiber and Baron zu Guttenberg.

Article • December 26, 2018

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Baron Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg want to expand Europe’s empire to Africa.

Article • April 26, 2018

Former defense minister says he has had enough of Germany’s ‘cheap excuses.’

Article • July 13, 2023

Europeans fear being caught amidst a rising conflict.

Article • May 12, 2016

A little-known pact being negotiated between Washington and Brussels concerns the transfer of American sovereignty to globalist bodies outside the United States.

Article • February 20, 2020

The man people say could replace Chancellor Merkel

Article • August 8, 2019

With Spitzberg Partners, Guttenberg prepares Europe for a complex world order.