Philadelphia Trumpet

Germany is in political turmoil. Europe is desperate for strong leadership. Bible prophecy speaks of a man who will fill this void. Here is what we know about him.

Article • May 10, 2017

Article • January 6, 2017

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • August 31, 2017

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg is back in German politics! KT made his first major political speech last night in Germany since his resignation from politics in 2011 over a plagiarism scandal. The Trumpet has been watching Guttenberg as a potential leader in Germany for more than 10 years now. After his departure from the political scene, we told our followers to continue watching this man. On today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, Stephen Flurry and Brad Macdonald discuss KT’s astonishing comeback and his rock-star level popularity in Germany.

Article • September 8, 2017

Those who say Germany’s election is ‘boring’ are not watching Germany closely enough.

Article • March 23, 2020

Bible prophecy gives us a glimpse of where today’s technologies are leading.

Article • September 25, 2019

The days of self-imposed exile are over.

Article • August 30, 2017

Germany’s rock-star politician is returning to the stage.

Article • September 6, 2017

Why you should be very worried about Germany’s politics.

Trumpet Daily Radio Episode • September 26, 2017

There’s a lot of talk in the United States about the need to have unity. Many see unity in National Football League owners and players locking arms and taking a knee during the national anthem. But is that the sort of unity that will heal America? Meanwhile, the major media are doing everything they can to inject race into the controversy between President Donald Trump and the NFL. Why is America experiencing such division? We discuss this topic on today’s Trumpet Daily Radio Show, as well the aftermath of the hurricane in Puerto Rico, the Kurdistan referendum and Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg’s reaction to the German election.

Article • January 27, 2017

Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg might be just the man to lead Germany and Europe in the Donald Trump era.

Feature • November 29, 2019

Germany is in political turmoil. Europe is desperate for strong leadership. Bible prophecy speaks of a man who will fill this void. Here is what we know about him.

Article • October 29, 2010

Article • June 29, 2022

And the media swoons.