August 2011 • Volume 22, NO. 7
A determined, dangerous army is working to take down the mightiest nation on Earth—but nobody even knows who the soldiers are.
As tensions within Europe give rise to regional blocs, an age-old prophecy springs to life!
One massacre was exaggerated. Another went unreported. The reason for the double standard is shameful.
It’s pretty clear: Most parents aren’t passing on this vital skill!
Buying it is all the rage. Using it … well, that’s another matter.
The Russians are identified in the Bible as descendants of Meshech and Tubal, and the majority of them are Slavic. But what about the Slavs of Eastern and Central Europe? The answer illuminates a crucial end-time prophecy.
A fanatical statement? Our Founding Fathers prophesied it would happen if our “religion and private morality” grossly degenerated. That has happened. Still, almost nobody heeds the warning of the Founding Fathers. That lack of response reveals how little the Constitution means to us.
The Philadelphia Trumpet, in conjunction with the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course, presents this brief excursion into the fascinating study of the Bible. Simply turn to and read in your Bible each verse given in answer to the questions. You will be amazed at the new understanding gained from this short study!
Are you overlooking an important part of the Fourth Commandment?
No man knows the day or hour, but we can know when it is near.