February 2000 • Volume 11, NO. 2
His headline gripped the attention of a handful of readers of the first edition of the world’s newest current affairs magazine, way back in February 1934. Sixty-six years later, we review many of the predictions made by the Plain Truth magazine and its founder, Herbert W. Armstrong, and find unerring accuracy in the forecasting of events leading to the rise to global dominance of the present European Union.
Even before the end of the war, I revealed to you the Nazi plans for a Nazi underground movement, to go underground as a secret organization the very moment they lost the war….” —Herbert W. Armstrong, 1948
The dramatic rebound of Germany’s top munitions company
How France will once again betray Britain and America
Planned and executed by the EU and Vatican
“Protestant churches everywhere are gravitating toward union with the Roman Catholic Church. These religious movements are speeding the fulfillment of the prophecies of the resurrected Roman Empire. For 30 years I have been proclaiming this tremendous event over the air and in print.” —Herbert W. Armstrong, 1963
Why the U.S. and Europe can’t be friends forever
If that prediction seems bold now, how bold would it have been in 1950?
The decline of U.S.-British control over the world’s sea gates
The UN’s failures at peace were prophesied since its inception. Here’s the “peacekeeping” power that will fill its shoes.
Remember these bold predictions about the world’s most unpredictable hotspot!
More Plain Truth predictions in early stages of fulfillment: Russia will soon join forces with East Asia, forming a gargantuan superpower such as the world has never seen.
Look at East Asia. Few in the West are. But it is a budding area—ready for change, ripe for unification.
The Plain Truth’s most important prophecies were of the wonderful World Tomorrow