December 2005 • Volume 16, NO. 10
Is the Bible religious myth or accurate history? Some highly educated people say the Bible’s history cannot be trusted. What do you think? Here is an important article to help you clarify your thoughts.
Is welfare the solution?
Division and hostility pervade American politics. The timing couldn’t be worse.
The United Nations’ chief prosecutor for war crimes has claimed the Vatican is sheltering a Croatian war criminal. For those familiar with post-World War II history, this case resurrects memories of the ratlines.
After almost 15 years in the doldrums, signs show that the land of the rising sun is rousing to action.
In a country with no respect for law, illegal immigrants fit right in.
Historically, Bavaria and Bavarians have greatly influenced the destiny of Germany. The scene is set for two powerful Bavarians to dominate the German nation—and the whole continent of Europe—in the very near future.
The oil-for-food scandal was an international embarrassment—but it’s just one example in an organization rife with corruption.
Free money for everyone!
Foreigners can bring more than just their luggage.